结果:患儿123例,视网膜出血19例30眼(12.2%)。其中顺产新生儿49例,视网膜出血18例29眼(29.6%); 剖腹产新生儿74例,视网膜出血1例1眼(0.7%),两者比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=34.763, P=0.000)。Logistic回归方程分析提示:影响视网膜出血的危险因素为顺产、早产、颅内出血。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the cause of high-risk neonatal retinal hemorrhage risk and analyze its related factors.
METHODS: After the first 72 hours of the birth, the newborns in the pediatrics were examined for fundus used the wide area digital fundus imaging system(RetCam Ⅱ).
RESULTS: Among 123 newborns, 19 neonates had retinal hemorrhage, and the incidence of retinal hemorrhage in newborns was 12.2%. Among 49 newborns who were came through spontaneous delivery, 18(29.6%)neonates had retinal hemorrhage, while 1(0.7%)neonate from 74 who were born by caesarean section suffered from retinal hemorrhage. The difference was statistically significant.(χ2=34.763 P=0.000). Logistic regression equation analysis tip: The risk factors of retinal hemorrhage were eutocia, premature delivery and intracranial hemorrhage.
CONCLUSION: The important relevant factors of high-risk neonatal retinal hemorrhage are eutocia and associated with intracranial hemorrhage.