目的:观察多种因素对配戴硬性角膜接触镜(rigid gas permeable contact lens ,RGPCL)后患者适应性及主观评价的影响。
方法:选取39例患者采用Menicon-Z RGPCL配适,分析年龄、性别、球镜度、散光度、角膜厚度、角膜曲率、基础泪液量及生活地域对配戴镜片后适应期的影响。患者戴镜1mo后主观评价其舒适性及视力稳定性。
结果:配戴RGPCL后平均适应期为6.41±4.64d,各项因素中年龄对配戴适应期的影响有显著意义(F=4.07, P=0.025); 配戴RGPCL 1mo后引起患者不适主要原因是异物感为0.62±0.71和干涩感为0.64±0.63。
结论:配戴Menicon-Z RGPCL患者均能在1wk左右达到良好的适应状态,年龄越小的患者,越容易适应镜片。影响患者适应性的主要因素是配戴RGPCL后的舒适度,给予患者详细的戴镜指导和相应的对症处理是能否解决其不适症状、持久配戴RGPCL的重要手段。
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AIM: To evaluate the effect of variety factors on the patient's adaptability and subjective evaluation after wearing Menicon-Z rigid gas permeable contact lens(RGPCL).
METHODS: Totally 39 patients were recruited in this study. The clinic data including age, gender, spherical, astigmatism, corneal thickness, corneal curvature, basic tear and living areas were analyzed for their impact. Patients evaluated comfort and visual stability after wearing Menicon-Z RGPCL for a month.
RESULTS: The average adaptation period after wearing RGPCL was 6.41 ± 4.64 days. The age factor had a significant influence of the adaptation period(F=4.07, P=0.025). Patient's discomfort caused by foreign body sensation(0.62±0.71)and eye dry sense(0.64±0.63)after wearing RGPCL for a month.
CONCLUSION: Patients adapted to Menicon-Z RGPCL in about a week. The younger the more easily adapted to the RGPCL. The main impact factor of patient's adaptation period is comfort. Detailed guidance and corresponding treatment is an important means to resolve their symptoms and long-lasting wearing.