结果:由于泪道探通的有效率与年龄有关,本研究三组患儿的年龄构成差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。按间隔时间分组,1wk以内的11只患眼中,经二次治疗有效10眼,占91%; 1~2wk的13只患眼中, 有效12眼,占92%; 2wk以上8只患眼中, 有效6眼,占75%。有效率差异有统计学意义,间隔1~2wk二次治疗的成功率最高,并发症发生率最低(P<0.05)。<3月龄患儿操作中进针深度24~26.5mm,3~7月龄26.5~28.5mm,7~12月龄28.5~30mm,12~36月龄30~32.5mm。
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AIM: To studythe timing of secondary treatment for neonatal dacryocystitis and the depth of the needle with probing.
METHODS: The treatment effect of the second lacrimal passage after the first treatment failure was analyzed and the depth of the needle was studied.
RESULTS: Due to the recovery rate of the lacrimal passage is related to age, there was no statistically significant difference in age, among the three groups(P>0.05). Divided according to timing, 10 eyes were cured by secondary treatment in less than 1 week, accounting for 91%; 12 eyes were cured in 1-2 weeks, accounting for 92%; 6 eyes were cured in more than 2 weeks, accounting for 75%. There was statistically significant difference in achievement ratio(P>0.05). The achievement ratio was the highest and the complication ratio was the lowest in 1-2 weeks.
CONCLUSION: 1-2 weeks is the best timing of secondary treatment.