方法:老年性白内障患者60眼,其中30眼行超声乳化手术并植入Tetraflex可调节IOL,对照组30眼植入Akreos Adapt IOL,观察患者术后的裸眼远近视力、调节幅度、术中及术后并发症。
结果:术后6mo两组的裸眼远视力、矫正远视力、矫正近视力比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 试验组裸眼近视力(t=2.427, P=0.023)、最佳远视力矫正后近视力(t=8.687,P=0.000)及调节幅度(t=15.158, P=0.000)均优于对照组。
结论:Tetraflex可调节IOL与Akreos Adapt IOL相对比有一定调节力,能为患者提供一定视近能力。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of phacoemulsification and Tetraflex accommodative intraocular lens(IOL)in providing both enhanced distance visual acuity and near visual acuity.
METHODS: Thirty patients(30 eyes)with age-related cataract underwent phacoemulsification and were implanted with Tetraflex IOL, while other 30 patients(30 eyes)were implanted with Akreos Adapt IOL. Prospective data collection included both uncorrected distance visual acuity(UCDVA)and uncorrected near visual acuity(UCNVA)testing, manifest refraction, best-corrected distance visual acuity(BCDVA), distance corrected near visual acuity(DCNVA), and the amplitude of accommodation. Intraoperative and post operative complications also were reported.
RESULTS: Six months after surgery, the uncorrected distance, corrected distance, and corrected near visual acuity had no significant difference between two groups. The UCNVA, DCNVA and the amplitude of accommodation of Tetraflex group were better than Akreos Adapt group(t=2.427, 8.687, 15.158, P=0.023, 0.000, 0.000).
CONCLUSION: The Tetraflex accommodating IOL is safe and effective. It provides enhanced near vision with good distance vision 6 months after surgery.