方法:这项研究是基于对2012-03/08在武汉爱尔眼科医院因ICL在眼内的拱高偏高需接受ICL更换手术的患者9例10眼进行回顾性分析,其中男2例2眼,女7例8眼。术后随访3~6mo,观察视力、周边前房角度、前房容积、眼压、瞳孔直径、拱高、炫光、角膜内皮计数和晶状体混浊等。数据采用SPSS 15.0统计软件。
结果:ICL更换术后6mo裸眼视力均≥术前矫正视力0.80±0.20,周边前房角度26°±5°和前房容积明显增大115±23.5mm3,拱高正常500±145μm,眩光明显减轻。术后6mo瞳孔直径恢复至术前水平3.5±0.32mm。术后眼压17.5±2.3mmHg,角膜内皮细胞数2 776.8±205.6个/mm2,与术前比较无明显变化,无1例出现晶状体混浊。随访6mo未出现严重并发症。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy, safety and stability of Crystal replacement after implantable contact lens(ICL).
METHODS: The research was based on the retrospective analysis of 9 patients(10 eyes)who underwent Crystal replacement after ICL surgery in Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital during March 2012 to August 2012, because of their vault had raised, including 2 males(2 eyes)and 7 females(8 eyes). All patients were followed-up for 3-6 months. The visual acuity, peripheral anterior chamber angle, anterior chamber volume, intraocular pressure, pupil size, vault, glare sensitivity, endothelial cell morphometry, as well as lens opacities were observed.
RESULTS: After operation, naked visions of the 10 eyes were better than or equal to preoperative corrected vision. Peripheral anterior chamber angle and anterior chamber volume was significantly increased. Vault returned to normal. The glare sensitivity was relieved obviously. Pupil size returned to the preoperative level at 6 months after surgery. The intraocular pressure and corneal endothelium counting before and after the operation had no significant difference. No case of lens opacities had happened. No serious complication was detected during the follow-up.
CONCLUSION: The choose of Crystal replacement after ICL had been shown to have the great efficacy, safety and stability, which can effectively solve the problem of spring height after ICL, and greatly improve the postoperative vision correction effect and patient satisfaction.