方法:2011-12/2013-01在我科确诊的黄斑囊样水肿患者98例136眼,其中单眼患者40例,双眼患者48例,随机选48例双眼患者中任一眼及40例单眼患者中20眼共68眼为玻璃体腔内注药联合光凝治疗组(简称联合组),另68眼为单纯光凝治疗组(简称单纯光凝组),两组黄斑水肿无显著性差异。联合组先行雷珠单抗玻璃体腔内注射,1wk后再行标准的黄斑区格栅状光凝; 单纯光凝组行标准的黄斑区格栅状光凝治疗,对比分析治疗前后视力、眼底及眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)的变化。
结果:联合组视力提高51眼(75.0%),视力不变10眼(14.7%),视力下降7眼(10.3%)。水肿吸收59眼(86.8%),水肿未退9眼(13.2%); 单纯光凝组视力提高12眼(17.6%),视力不变42眼(61.8%),视力下降14眼(20.6%)。水肿吸收21眼(30.9%),水肿未退47眼(69.1%),经统计学分析,联合组较单纯光凝组视力提高多,黄斑水肿吸收快(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the efficacy of intravitreal lucentis combined laser photocoagulation treatment on macular edema.
METHODS: Ninety –eight patients(136 eyes)with macular edema diagnosed by ocular-fundus examination, fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA). Sixty-eight eyes of them were treated with intravitreal lucentis combined laser photocoagulation and sixty-eight eyes only laser photocoagulation. The follow-up time was 1 month, 3, 6 months. Visual acuity and FFA were measured.
RESULTS: Among patients with intravitreal lucentis combined laser photocoagulation, visual acuity in 51 eyes(75.0%)was improved in 2 lines or more and 10 eyes(14.7%)remained no change, 7 eyes(10.3%)deceresed. Edema in 59 eyes(86.8%)reduced after treament. Among patients with laser photocoagulation, visual acuity in 12 eyes(17.6%)was improved in 2 lines or more and 42 eyes(61.8%)remained no change, 14 eyes(20.6%)deceresed. Edema in 21 eyes(30.9%)reduced after treatment.
CONCLUSION: The result of intravitreal lucentis acetonide combined laser photocoagulation treatment for macular edemae is better than those of only using laser photocoagulation.
湖北省卫生厅科技人才项目资助(No.QJS2010-18); 湖北省计生委科技项目资助(No.JS-2011007)