目的:测试海军飞行员视觉对比敏感度函数(contrast sensitivity function, CSF),探讨对比敏感度的相关因素。
方法:应用美国Stereo Optical Co.生产的OPTEC6500 视觉检查仪对58例116眼飞行员进行明视、明视眩光、暮视、暮视眩光4种状态下5个空间频率的对比敏感度检查。
结果:从均数曲线图中可见暮视和暮视眩光状态下CSF曲线的峰值在3c/d; 明视和明视眩光状态下CSF曲线的峰值在6c/d; 在各空间频率,双眼CSF值均高于单眼,差异有统计学意义(均为P<0.05); 在各空间频率下,远距离CSF值均高于近距离,差异有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the influential factors of the contrast sensitivity function(CSF), we tested and investigated the CSF of navy pilots.
METHODS: Totally 58 pilots(116 eyes)were examined by CSF under the nighttime, nighttime & periglare, daytime, daytime & periglare conditions for 5 spacial frequencies with OPTEC6 500 Vision Tester.
RESULTS: From mean diagram of curves, the peak of CSF under the nighttime, nighttime & periglare conditions was at 3-6c/d, daytime, daytime & periglare conditions was at 6c/d.
CONCLUSION: The distant CSF is better than the near CSF in navy pilots,the binoculus CSF is better than that of the single eye. The spatial characteristics of CSF in navy pilots were reflected by present study.
2011年度军队后勤科研重大项目计划资助(No. AHJ2011Z001); 海军科研基金(No. 06MA018)