方法:选择散瞳检查为低度近视或视力正常,基本无生理屈光度,双眼均正位或水平隐斜<8△的7~14岁青少年200例,随机分为两组,每组100例。两组所有散瞳后屈光度(等效球镜)≥-1.00D者配戴远用近视镜,屈光度<-1.00D(等效球镜)者不配戴任何眼镜; 观察组干预方法:予生理性手指操,每天做两次眼操训练,每次3~4min。对照组则不进行干预。于干预前、干预后1a测定两组视力、屈光度、眼轴、眼位异常改变或隐斜度。
结果:干预后1a观察组近视屈光度、眼轴增加均低于对照组(P<0.05); 观察组10例原有外隐斜患者隐斜度有一定程度改善,原无隐斜患者出现内隐斜2例,而对照组未出现外隐斜度改善现象,亦未出现内隐斜患者。
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AIM: To explore the effect of the visual physiological finger exercise on prevention of teenage with myopia.
METHODS:Totally 200 patients from 7 to 14 years, who were low myopia after medicinal powder pupil, had no physiological diopter, with or without horizontal heterophoria <8△, were chosen and randomly divided into two groups, with 100 patients in each group. Both of two groups were dilated pupil and examine eyesight, whose diopter ≥-1.00D wear myopia glasses, the other diopter<-1.00D without any glasses. At the same time, observation group was treated with visual physiological finger exercise, two times a day, each time 3-4 minutes, however the control group without intervention. The visual acuity, myopia diopter, ocular axis, eye position and horizontal heterophoria were measured before and at 1 year after intervention.
RESULTS: The observation group of myopia diopter and ocular axis were lower than that of control group(P<0.05). There were 10 exophoria patients implicit gradient has improved. There were 2 original no heterophoria patients occur esophoria. The control group did not appear exophoria patients implicit gradient improvement nor esophoria patients.
CONCLUSION: The visual physiological finger exercise can prevent and control teenage myopia,and at the same time can be improved to some extent exophoria.