结果:术后3mo,27例53眼远视力主视眼1.0~1.2,非主视眼0.3~0.6; 近视力主视眼0.6,非主视眼1.0。5例10眼双眼远视力完全矫正。
[Key word]
AIM: To probe the visual effects of laser
in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)operation design on aged-myopic patients with falling adjustment abilities.
METHODS: Among the 32 subjects 63 eyes with ametropia and presbyopia, 27 were completely corrected by monocular LASIK operation on the 53 eyes, to the optimum distant vision of the dominant eye, while the near-sighted vision of the non-dominant eye was under corrected by -0.5 - -2.00D. The distant vision of the other 5 subjects was completely corrected by binocular LASIK operation on the 10 eyes. Three months after the operation, subjects were closely observed.
RESULTS: Three months after the operation, among the former group, the distant vision of dominant and non-dominant eyes were found with range from 1.0 to 1.2, and from 0.3 to 0.6 respectively. Their near-sighted vision of dominant and non-dominant eyes was 0.6 and 1.0, respectively. Among the latter group, the distant vision of both eyes was found to be completely corrected.
CONCLUSION: When operated on aged-myopic patients with falling adjustment abilities, LASIK should incorporate patient's requirement and age in its operation design.