新生血管性青光眼(neovascular glaucoma,NVG)在临床中随着基础病如:糖尿病、高血压等的增多而越来越多。虽然其诊断简单,但是治疗却比较复杂,在晚期,由于患者疼痛,解除患者痛苦采用多种方法如睫状体冷冻、光凝术、球后酒精注射、氯丙嗪术、甚至眼球摘除术。摘除眼球给患者带来诸多不便,面对错综复杂的治疗方案,那么如何选择比较科学合理方法对患者尤为重要,目前尽可能避免眼球摘除术; 慎用酒精或者氯丙嗪球后注射术。应结合眼科新进展采用多种方法控制眼压,减轻患者痛苦,制订科学而合理的个体化治疗是治疗NVG必然趋势。
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Neovascular glaucoma(NVG)is increasing in clinical with the increase of basic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension. It is easy to diagnose, but the treatment is more complex. In the late, because the pain of patients, a variety of methods such as the ciliary body cryotherapy, photocoagulation, retrobulbar alcohol injection, chlorpromazine, even enucleation of eyeball were used to relieve pain of patients. Enucleation of eyeball brings inconvenience to the patients. Then how to choose the reasonable method is particularly important for patients, in the face of complicated treatments, as far as possible to avoid enucleation. Alcohol or retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine should be careful used and should be combined with the new progress in the Department of Ophthalmology. Using a variety of methods to control intraocular pressure, alleviate the suffering of patients, to formulate a scientific and reasonable individualized treatment is the treatment of NVG trend.