目的:评估超声乳化手术治疗原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle-closure glaucoma,PACG)的临床效果及预后影响因素。
方法:对合并PACG白内障的患者60例70眼,其中急性PACG 43眼,慢性PACG 27眼。采用超声乳化白内障摘出联合折叠式人工晶状体植入手术治疗,手术前后观察视力、眼压、房角镜检查、前房深度等。术后随访6mo。
结果:手术前后比较:视力提高(P<0.05); 平均眼压下降(P<0.01); 房角不同程度开放(P<0.01); 前房深度增加(P<0.01)。手术成功率:急性PACG组高于慢性PACG组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To evaluate the clinical outcomes and affected factors of prognosis of cataract extraction by phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in eyes with primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG)and co-existing cataract.
METHODS: Totally 60 cases(70 eyes)of PACG with cataract, including 43 eyes with acute primary angle-closure glaucoma(APACG), 27 eyes of chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma(CPACG). The main outcome measures included: visual acuity, intraocular pressure, gonioscopy, depth of anterior chamber(ACD). Patients were examined 6 months after surgery.
RESULTS: After phacoemulsification, visual acuity was improved(P<0.05), postoperative mean IOP was decreased(P<0.01), part of anterior chamber was widened(P<0.01). The depth of anterior chamber(ACD)was deepen(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION:Phacoemulsification is more effective for acute APACG than for CPACG.