目的:评估玻璃体腔内注射曲安奈德(triamcinolone acetonide,TA)治疗视网膜静脉阻塞(retinal vein occlusion,RVO)引起的黄斑水肿的长期安全性与有效性。
方法:患者17例17眼出现视网膜静脉阻塞引起的黄斑水肿,接受玻璃体腔内注射2mg TA,随访1a,监测患者视力、黄斑厚度。
[Key word]
AIM: To assess the long-term safety and efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide(TA)injection in the management of macular edema caused by retinal vein occlusion(RVO).
METHODS: This prospective, interventional case series included 17 patients(17 eyes)with RVO and macular edema. They received an intravitreal injection of 2mg TA. Follow-up was for 1 year. Outcome measures were visual acuity and macular thickness measured using ocular coherence tomography(OCT).
RESULTS: In our group, visual acuity measurements showed that 15 eyes(88%)had improved visual acuity, and mean visual acuity increased from 0.114±0.068 preoperatively to a postoperative visual acuity of 0.184±0.094(P<0.05). The central macular thickness was reduced from 514.0±67.4μm to 442.0±61.5μm(P<0.05). Six patients in the study suffered a rise in intraocular pressure(IOP)(35%)temporarily. There was no case of visually significant cataract, vitreous haemorrhage, retinal detachment, or endophthalmitis.
CONCLUSION:Intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide can effectively improve the macular edema caused by retinal vein occlusion.