结果:共回收有效问卷3 812份,有效回收率98.27%。其中男生2 114份,女生1 698份,平均年龄10.22±2.00岁。沙眼临床阳性小学生288例,临床阴性小学生3 524例。分析沙眼相关患病因素:沙眼阳性的学生毛巾单独使用、不用手揉眼、饮食偏素、眼睛不适主动向父母提出以及主动要求就医的比例低于沙眼阴性的学生,经卡方检验,差异均有统计学意义; 经Logistic多元回归分析显示毛巾单独使用(OR=0.724)对沙眼流行影响最大。
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AIM: To investigate the trachoma related factors on migrant laborers' children in Shanghai.
METHODS: With random cluster sampling, 3 879 migrant laborers' children, aged(10.22±2.00)years old, from 7 schools in Shanghai, participated in the questionnaire survey, under parents' guidance.
RESULTS: Our survey achieved a 98.27% response rate and got a total of 3 812 valid questionnaires, 2 114 males and 1 698 females. Totally 288 cases of trachoma were found. Compared with students who were clinically diagnosed as trachoma, the other students got a high rate in using separate towels, not rubbing eyes, prefer vegetarian diet, asking parents for help when got an eye discomfort and asking for a doctor. Using separate towels would be the main relative factor of the prevalence of trachoma.
CONCLUSION: Good health habits could be protective factors to susceptible population.