方法:对48例60眼行胬肉切除联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植手术治疗的初发性翼状胬肉患者,随机分为试验组(纤维蛋白胶组)22例30眼和对照组(缝线组)26例30眼。实验组及对照组给予常规20g/L利多卡因浸润麻醉后进行胬肉切除联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植术; 试验组采用黏合剂将植片与植床进行粘贴(黏合剂为凝血酶溶液及含有因子Ⅷ和抑肽酶的纤维蛋白溶液),对照组采用10-0缝线缝合植片与植床。术后随访6mo,主要观察手术时间,植床与植片的匹配程度及术中与术后患者的疼痛评分。
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AIM: To compare the efficiency and safety of fibrin glue to suture technique in pterygium surgery performed with limbal autograft.
METHODS: A prospective randomized clinical trial was carried out in 60 eyes of 48 patients operated for primary nasal pterygium. Autologous limbal graft taken from the superotemporal limbus was used to cover the sclera after pterygium excision under local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine. In 22 cases(30 eyes), the transplant was attached to the sclera with a fibrin tissue adhesive(group 1)and in 26 cases(30 eyes)with 10-0 Virgin silk sutures(group 2). Patients were followed up at least for 3 months. Time of operation, matching degree of graft and visual analogue scale(VAS)score were mainly observed and recorded.
RESULTS: Patient symptoms were significantly less and biomicroscopic findings were better in group 1. Pterygium recurrence was seen in 1 case of group 1, and 1 case of group 2. Average surgery time was shorter(P<0.01)in fibrin group.
CONCLUSION: Using fibrin glue for graft fixation in pterygium surgery causes significantly less postoperative pain and shortens surgery time significantly.