方法: 按照各检查系统的基本原理,设计研发计算机的软件,建立模块及维护模板。
结果: 眼科的视力表、Hess屏检查、红绿光视标检查应用、色盲检查、立体视检查均可在计算机上实现。
结论: 研制成功后试用10a,效果显著,基本取代综合验光仪投影仪的内容,并在立体视及色盲本的替代上取得良好的效果。
[Key word]
AIM: To integrate the individual and various items of refractive examination to one software, and made it applicated conveniently.
METHODS: On the basis of every examination system, the computer software was designed and developed, the modules were established and maintained.
RESULTS: The computer software could fulfill the examinations of visual acuity, strabismus(Hess screen), color vision, stereopsis.
CONCLUSION: After 10 years' application, the effect is significant. It can nearly replace the items using projector of integrated refractometer, stereopsis exam and color blind exam.