目的:通过总结机械性眼外伤的常见致伤原因、受伤场所及高危人群等特征,为指导安全防护、降低其发病率提供依据; 并经统计学研究得出影响机械性眼外伤愈后的相关因素,为伤后估计机械性眼外伤患者愈后提供参考。
结果: 得出159例机械性眼外伤患者受伤年龄、性别及眼别分布、受伤季节、受伤原因、受伤场合、高危人群等特征。在愈后视力影响因素的单因素分析中,城乡差异为影响愈后视力的相关因素,就诊时间、患者年龄与愈后视力无关。在并发症对愈后视力影响因素的Logistic多元回归模型中,眼内炎、视网膜脱离、晶状体脱位/半脱位、玻璃体脱出四个因素与愈后视力不良有关。在机械性眼外伤愈后视力影响因素的Logistic多元回归模型中,年龄<10岁、损伤分区Ⅲ、损伤分级>3级三个因素与愈后视力不良有关。
结论:我院收住的机械性眼外伤流行病学特征与其他地区所报道的基本一致; 受伤后合理治疗可提高愈后视力; 损伤分区Ⅲ、年龄<10岁、损伤分级>3级、并发眼内炎、玻璃体脱出、视网膜脱离、晶状体脱位/半脱位这些因素提示愈后不良。
[Key word]
AIM: To provide the basis of security guidance and decreasing the incidence through a general investigation of the mechanical ocular trauma among all the common causes, occasions where getting hurt as well as the characteristics of the high-risk group, and by further analysis and monitoring of the clinical cases and follow-up visit, study the related key factors of influencing the prognosis statistically.
METHODS: The data of the 159 cases with mechanical ocular trauma were recorded.
RESULTS: We obtained the 159 subjects' ages, genders as well as mechanical ocular trauma characteristic data, such as ocular distributions, the seasons of the injuries occurring, the causes and the occasions of the injuries, the high-risks group and so on. The factors affecting the visual prognosis,univariate analysis showed that the difference between urban and rural areas was a related influencing factor while the consulting hours and the ages of the patients were irrelevant. In the multivariate Logistic regression model of complications that affected the visual prognosis, there were four main factors leading to poor eyesight: endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, luxation or subluxation of the lens, prolapse of vitreous. In the multivariate Logistic regression model of the visual prognosis of mechanical eye injury, there were three factors of concern that corresponded to poor eyesight: the ages less than 10, zonation Ⅲ, grade of injury more than 3.
CONCLUSION: The epidemiologic features of the mechanical ocular trauma in our hospital correspond to the reports from other areas. Appropriate medical care can improve the visual prognosis. Factors such as zonation Ⅲ, ages less than 10, grade of injury more than 3, endophthalmitis with the eye injury, prolapse of vitreous, luxation or subluxation of the lens and so on, indicate poor visual prognosis.