方法:对1 232眼白内障患者进行小切口白内障囊外摘除及人工晶状体植入术,回顾其术后并发症的情况。
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AIM: To discuss the security of small incision cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation in cataract treatment, and to analyze intraoperative and postoperative complications and promote corresponding management.
METHODS: The surgery,extracapsular cataract extraction with small incision and intraocular lens implantation, was performed on 1 232 eyes with cataract. And complications were reviewed.
RESULTS: In the surgery: there were 19 eyes(1.54%)with irisprolapse, 4 eyes(0.32%)with iridodialysis, 62 eyes(5.03%)with ruptured posterior lens capsule, 4 eyes(0.32%)with detachment of post elastic layer. After the surgery: there were 56 eyes(4.54%)with corneal endothelial edema, 62 eyes(5.03%)with temporary intraocular hypertension, 2 eyes(0.16%)with acute endophthalmitis, 42 eyes(3.41%)with uveitic reaction, 5 eyes(0.41%)with hyphema, 1 eye with retinal detachment, 28 eyes(2.27%)with residual cortex.
CONCLUSION:Extracapsular cataract extraction with small incision and intraocular lens implantation is a safe, simple, and effective operation. However, various complications may occur due to nonproficiency and inadequate experience. Consequently, in order to achieve approving surgical outcome, operative skills should be mastered proficiently, and complications should be managed appropriately.