方法:随机收集241例482眼6~47岁近视患者,男124例248眼,女117例234眼。采用OrbscanⅡZ角膜地形图测量角膜横径和前房深度并应用SPSS 17.0统计软件对其相关影响因素进行分析,建立数学模型探讨前房体积影响因素。
结果:角膜横径和前房深度平均值为11.69±0.51,3.04±0.30mm,男性、女性角膜横径和前房深度平均值分别为11.74±0.49,11.64±0.53,3.07±0.30,3.02±0.29mm,性别差异具有统计学意义(t=-2.265,-1.971; P=0.024,0.048),男性角膜横径和前房深度均大于女性。角膜横径和前房深度分别与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.260,-0.246 ; P=0.00,0.00),与等效球镜度无相关性(r=-0.057,0.067; P=0.210,0.142),角膜横径与前房深度呈正相关(r=0.297; P=0.00),回归方程Y=1.025+0.173X(Y代表前房深度,X代表角膜横径,F=46.440,P=0,R2=0.088)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the correlative factors of corneal horizontal diameter(CHD)and anterior chamber depth(ACD)and discuss the affecting factors of anterior chamber volume(ACV).
METHODS: A total of 241 cases(482 eyes)of myopia aged 6-47 years were collected on randomly. There were 124(248 eyes)male subjects and 117(234 eyes)female subjects. CHD and ACD were measured with the Orbscan ⅡZ system, and each measurement was repeated three times. SPSS 17.0 software was used to analyze the correlation data. Mathematical model was set up to research anterior chamber volume.
RESULTS: The average of CHD is(11.69±0.51)mm, with diameter of(11.74±0.49)mm in male and(11.64±0.53)mm in female.The average of ACD was(3.04±0.30)mm, with depth of(3.07±0.30)mm in male and(3.02±0.29)in female. Differences in gender of CHD and ACD were significant in the t-test for independent samples(t= -2.265, -1.971; P=0.024, 0.05), these size of male were both larger than that of female. Through person correlation analysis, a negative correlation was found between CHD and age, ACD and age(r= -0.260,
-0.246; P=0, 0); a positive correlation was found between CHD and ACD(r=0.297; P=0), the regression equation between CHD and ACD in myopia population was Y=1.025+0.173X(F=46.440,P=0, R2=0.088), where Y represents ACD and X represents CHD.
CONCLUSION: There are statistically significant difference between male and female in CHD, ACD and ACV. The size of these in male is larger than in female. The CHD is positively correlated with the ACD, and CHD, ACD and ACV are negatively correlated with age and are not associated with the degree of myopia.