结果:A组:治愈138眼,治愈率92.0%,好转10眼,好转率6.7%,总有效率98.7%,无效2眼。B组:治愈107眼,治愈率71.3%,好转32眼,好转率21.3%,总有效率92.7%,无效11眼。统计学分析两组治愈率之间比较χ2=4.15,P<0.05; 总有效率之间比较χ2=5.00,P <0.05,两组之间差异均有统计学意义。
[Key word]
AIM: To compare the effect of two surgical methods: lacrimal laser combined with mitomycin-C and lead-type silicone tube implantation and lacrimal laser combined with lead-type silicone tube implantation only, for dacryagogatresia treatment.
METHODS: After dacryagogatresia was opened by Nd:YAG laser, 143 cases(150 eyes)in group A underwent lacrimal laser combined with mitomycin-C and lead-type silicone tube implantation. One hundred and forty-three cases(150 eyes)of group B was treated with lacrimal laser combined with lead-type silicone tube implantation only.
RESULTS: In group A, 138 eyes(92.0%)was cured, 10(6.7%)was improved, and the total efficiency was 98.7%, 2 was failed. In group B, 107 eyes(71.3%)was cured, 32(21.3%)was improved, and the total efficiency was 92.7%, 11 was failed. Differences of cure rate(χ2=4.15, P<0.05)and total efficiency(χ2=5.00, P<0.05)between two groups had statistical significance.
CONCLUSION:lacrimal Laser combined with mitomycin-C and lead-type silicone tube implantation is more effective compared with the method of lacrimal laser combined with lead-type silicone tube implantation only.