目的:比较改良羊膜及角膜缘干细胞(limbal stem cell,LSC)移植联合丝裂霉素C(MMC)与传统羊膜移植术治疗复发性翼状胬肉的治疗效果及差异。
方法:选取我院2010-01/2012-05住院治疗的复发性翼状胬患者62例73眼,随机分为传统组和改良组,传统组30例35眼,行传统羊膜移植联合MMC术; 改良组32例38眼,行改良的羊膜及LSC移植联合MMC术。观察术后两组患者的羊膜贴合情况、角膜上皮愈合情况、眼表情况,比较两种手术方式对眼表的影响及复发率。
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AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of modified amnion and lmibal stem cell(LSC)comnined with mitomycin C(MMC)on recurrent pterygium.
METHODS: Sixty-two patients(73 eyes)with recurrent pterygium in our hospital during January 2010 and May 2012 were divided into two groups. Thirty patients(35 eyes)in control group were treated with conventional amniotic membrane transplantation and 32 patients(38 eyes)in trial group were treated with modified amnion and LSC comnined with MMC. Postoperative amniotic fit, corneal epithelial healing, ocular surface and recurrence rates were observed in two groups.
RESULTS: During the follow-up of 3-6 months(average 5 months), Tear film function were affected at early postoperative stage in control group, but in trial group, it was influenced slightly. Six months after operation, tear film function was recovered. Pterygium was recurrent in 8 eyes(22.9%)in control group and 2 eyes(5.3%)in trail group.
CONCLUSION: The method of modified amnion and LSC combined with MMC can achieve a good therapeutic effect with fewer complications in recurrent pterygium treatment.