方法:将1月龄健康雄性Wistar大鼠150只,体质量200g左右,采用随机数字法分为5组,每组30只。分别为:A:正常组; B:假手术组; C:手术对照组; D:雄激素治疗组; E代表:密蒙花总黄酮治疗组; 将C,D,E三组实验鼠切除双侧睾丸及附睾; B组只切开阴囊而不切除睾丸,作为假手术组; A组不做任何处理。各组在造模后1wk,待伤口基本愈合后开始用药。各组实验动物分别于用药1,3,5mo后随机取10只, 行Schirmer Ⅰ试验(SⅠt)、测量泪膜破裂时间(breaking up time,BUT),于第5mo,抽血测定血清睾酮水平。
结论: 雄激素水平下降可导致干眼病,采用双侧睾丸及附睾切除的方法可成功建立雄激素水平下降所致的大鼠干眼病动物模型。密蒙花总黄酮具有拟雄激素效应,能够产生同丙酸睾酮治疗干眼病相似的效果。密蒙花总黄酮可能成为治疗干眼病的一个全新药物。
[Key word]
AIM:To observe buddleja officinalis total flavonoids' effect on the basal tear secretion amount, tear film stability, lacrimal gland histomorphology and serum testosterone level of castrated male rat model with xeroma, to study the mechanism of rat xeroma caused by buddleja officinalis total flavones' anti-sex hormones disorders.
MEATHODS: A total of 150 Wistar male rats of 1 month old, weighted about 200g, were randomly divided into 5 groups with 30 rats in each group with A representing normal group; B representing sham operation group; C representing surgery control group; D representing group treated with androgen; E representing group treated with buddleja officinalis total flavonoids. For the groups C, D, E, the bilateral testicle and epididymis were excised; For group B, scrota were incised without removal of the testicles, as the sham operation group; For group A, nothing was done. One week after modeling when the wound was to be healed, drug was given to each group. Respectively at the 1st month, 3rd, and 5th months after treatment, 10 rats were randomly selected in each group, to receive Schirmer I test, tear breakup time measurement. Blood serum testosterone levels were tested in the fifth month.
RESUITS: For groups D and E, the Schirmer I test measurements were significantly higher than that of group C(P<0.05), tear film breakup time was significantly longer than that of group C(P<0.05). Serum testosterone levels in groups C and E were significantly lower than that in groups A, B, D(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: Decreased androgen levels can lead to xeroma, and removal of bilateral testes and epididymis can successfully establish the animal models of xeroma in rats caused by decreased androgen levels. Buddleja officinalis total flavonoids have androgenic effect, which produces the similar treatment effect of xeroma with testosterone propionate. Buddleja officinalis total flavonoids may become a new treatment for xeroma.
国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(No.30772824); 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(No.200805410004); 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(No.07JJ3049); 湖南省科技厅科研基金资助项目(No.2009FJ3001); 湖南省研究生创新基金资助项目(湘财教字\〖2008\〗68号); 国家中医药管理局中医眼科学重点学科建设项目; 湖南省中医五官科学重点学科建设项目