先天性白内障是造成患儿终身视力损害的一个重要原因,由于患儿的视功能尚未发育完善,其治疗与老年性白内障有所不同,尤其在手术方式、人工晶状体(intraocular lens, IOL)度数选择及术后屈光矫正等方面仍存在不少争议,我们对其手术治疗及术后视功能的恢复做一综述。
[Key word]
Congenital cataract is an important cause of lifelong visual impairment in children. Its treatment is different from that of senile cataract since visual functions of the affected children are still under development. However, consensus has not be made in surgical management of congenital cataract, especially in the surgical approach,intraocular lens selection and postoperative refractive correction. This study reviews researches on the surgical therapy and its postoperative visual function recovery conducted in recent years.