眼表(角膜、结膜、副泪腺和睑板腺)、主泪腺和它们之间的泪腺功能单位共同维护眼表的健康, 其中任一环节的损害均可导致泪膜完整性和正常功能的破坏。随着医学的发展,越来越多的眼部手术用来治疗眼部疾病,然而手术在实施过程中的各个环节如术前表面麻醉药物的应用、术中的操作过程、术后滴眼液中的防腐剂均有可能导致泪膜不稳定和/或眼表面的异常而引起干眼症。
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The health of ocular surface is maintained by the ocular surface(cornea and conjunctiva, accessory lacrimal gland and meibomian gland), the main lacrimal gland and the lachrymal function units between them, any damage in which can lead to the failure of integrity and normal function of tear film. With the development of medical science, more and more eye surgeries are operated to treat eye diseases. However, preoperative anesthetic applications, operation process, preservatives in the eye drops may lead to tear film instability and/or abnormal manifestation on eye surface which may cause dry eyes.