方法:将34例34眼患者随机分为两组,保留透明晶状体组(15例):行玻璃体切除时保留透明晶状体; 摘除透明晶状体组(19例):行玻璃体切除时摘除透明晶状体。术后均随访6~12mo,分析透明晶状体不同处理方法时术后视力(矫正后)及眼部一般情况。
结果:保留透明晶状体组,视力提高14眼,视力提高为93%; 摘除透明晶状体组,视力提高18眼,视力提高为95%。保留透明晶状体组,1眼眼内炎未能控制,为7%; 摘除透明晶状体组,1眼眼内炎未能控制,为5%。两组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。术后随访6~12mo,两组均无眼内炎复发病例。
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AIM: To investigate the treatment of transparent crystal in infectious endophthalmitis when vitrectomy, and to compare clinical efficacy of retention and removal transparent crystal.
METHODS: Thirty-four patients(34 eyes)were randomly divided into two groups. Retaining transparent crystal group(15 cases):vitrectomy but retained the transparent crystal; Extracting transparent crystal group(19 cases): vitrectomy and removed transparent crystal. The follow-up period was for 6-12 months and clinical efficacy(corrected visual acuity and the eye)of different treatment methods of transparent crystal was analyzed.
RESULTS: Retaining transparent crystal group, 14 eyes visual acuity were improved to 93%; Extracting transparent crystal group, 18 eyes visual acuity were improved to 95%. Retaining transparent crystal group, 1 eye endophthalmitis failed to control to 7%; Extracting transparent crystal group, 1 eye endophthalmitis failed to control to 5%. There's no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05). During the follow-up period, both groups had no recurrence of endophthalmitis.
CONCLUSION: There's no significant difference of clinical efficacy in infectious endophthalmitis vitrectomy between retention and removal of transparent crystal.