方法:回顾性分析109例112眼继发性青光眼患者的临床资料, 根据原发病分为晶状体相关性青光眼、眼外伤相关性青光眼、血管性疾病相关性青光眼、炎症相关性青光眼、眼部手术相关性青光眼及其他6组。对各组病例的治疗方法及效果予以评价。
结论:继发性青光眼原发病具有多样性, 其治疗须同时结合原发病和眼压,对视功能损害严重的继发性青光眼改善或解除症状亦为其治疗的主要目的。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the methods of treatment and the prognosis of secondary glaucoma.
METHODS: Clinical data of 109 admission cases(112 eyes)of secondary glaucoma were retrospectively analyzed. According to the primary diseases, patients were divided into lens-related glaucoma, ocular trauma-related glaucoma, vascular disease glaucoma, inflammatory glaucoma and other related groups. The methods and effect of treatment were evaluated for each group of patients.
RESULTS: The intraocular pressure was significantly lower than hospital admission(P<0.05). After a week of treatment, the best corrected visual acuity was increased partially.
CONCLUSION:Pathogeny of secondary glaucoma is complex. Treatment should be adopted comprehensive measures. Proper operative option can control intraocular pressure. For the damage of visual function severely, to improve or relieve symptoms is the main objective of their treatment.