目的:建立新西兰大白兔后发性白内障(posterior capsule opacification,PCO)动物模型,检测凋亡抑制因子Livin在PCO中的表达,从而探讨Livin在PCO形成过程中的作用。
方法:选用健康新西兰大白兔30只,随机分为实验组(25只),分为A,B,C,D,E组,对照组(5只),实验组行右眼晶状体皮质吸出,分别于术后即刻; 3,7,14,28d(每个时间点5只)对术眼行裂隙灯显微镜检查,并处死动物获取术眼晶状体后囊膜,对照组直接处死动物获取右眼后囊膜,采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)和Western-blotting方法检测Livin在正常对照组及术后不同时间点PCO中的表达。
结果: RT-PCR和Western-blotting在正常对照组及术后即刻A组均未检测到Livin的表达,实验组B,C,D,E术后不同时段的PCO组织中均可检测到不同程度Livin的表达,其中RT-PCR和Western-blotting均显示术后C组Livin表达较为明显,D组表达开始下降,但至E组仍有表达,B组表达最低。
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AIM: To establish animal models of posterior capsule opacification(PCO)in New Zealand white rabbits and detect the expression of the Livin in PCO tissue.
METHODS:Thirty healthy adult New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. Ultrasonic phacoemulsifications were performed in the 25 experiment rabbits under intramuscular injection anesthesia. The rabbits'eyes were examined by slit lamp microscope to observe the development of PCO after surgery and at 3d, 7d, 14d and 28d. The 5 rabbits in control group were executed to take the posterior capsule of right eyes. Reverse transcription polymerase(RT-PCR)and western-blotting were performed to detect the expression of Livin in PCO at different time points postoperatively.
RESULTS: Both RT-PCR and western-blotting method indicated that different levels of expression of Livin could be detected in the tissue of PCO in group B, C, D, E except control group and group A that instantly after surgery. The two methods indicated that Livin reached the peak in group C and decreased in group D, lower in group E and in group B reached the bottom.
CONCLUSION:The expression of Livin can be detected in the tissue of PCO in a certain similar time. The study indicated that Livin correlates with the pathogenesis of PCO. It may provide a novel tool for the investigation of gene therapy for PCO.