近年来,基因治疗(gene therapy)在临床试验上越来越受到重视,正成为常规方法难以治愈的中枢神经系统疾病的新的治疗手段。单纯疱疹病毒(herpes simplex virus,HSV)是自然界普遍存在的人类病原体,具有天然的神经趋向性,能自然感染有丝分裂后的神经元,可从外周神经逆行感染进入中枢神经系统(CNS)并在其中长期潜伏,是外源大容量基因常用的的运载工具。视神经属于中枢神经系统,因此,HSV载体可考虑用于视神经损伤后的基因治疗。本文综述了HSV作为载体用于CNS损伤后的基因治疗的研究进展并阐述用于视神经损伤后基因修复的可行性。
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Gene therapy has increasingly shown a significant role in clinical trials in recent years, and has become a new treatment for the central nervous system diseases which conventional methods are difficult to cure. Herpes simplex virus(HSV), a common human natural pathogen, has a natural neural tropism and can naturally infect post-mitotic neurons from retrograde infection of peripheral nerves into the central nervous system(CNS)and has a long-term incubation. Therefore, HSV can be used as a means of delivery of exogenous genes. The optic nerve belongs to the CNS, thus, HSV vectors may be considered for gene therapy after optic nerve injury. In this paper, we reviewed the research progress of HSV as a vector for gene therapy after CNS injury and explained the feasibility of HSV for gene repair after optic nerve injury.