方法:选取2006-01/2013-01在我院门诊就诊的262例286眼经保守治疗2wk无效的新生儿泪囊炎患儿作为本次的观察对象; 按数字表法随机分为 A,B 两组,其中A组133例149眼从上泪小点进针行泪道探通,B组129例137眼从下泪小点进针行泪道探通,比较两种方法的治疗效果及并发症,并随访1mo。
结果:A组治愈率98.7%; B组治愈率93.4%; A组并发症发生率少于B组; 两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To compare the therapeutic effect of lacrimal probing through upper and lower lacrimal punctum in neonatal dacryocystitis.
METHODS: Totally, 262 cases(286 eyes)of neonatal dacryocystitis which failed in a two-week conservative treatment were selected from January 2006 to January 2013 in our outpatient department. They were randomly divided into Group A and Group B. Then, 133 cases(149 eyes)in Group A received lacrimal probing through upper lacrimal punctum, and 129 cases(137 eyes)in Group B received lacrimal probing through lower lacrimal punctum. The patients were followed up for one month and therapeutic effect and incidence of complications of the two methods were compared.
RESULTS: The cure rate of was 98.7% in Group A and 93.4% in Group B. The incidence of the complications in Group A was lower than that of Group B. The differences between the two groups were significant(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Lacrimal probing through upper lacrimal punctum in neonatal dacryocystitis is more effective than probing through lower lacrimal punctum,and it has a lower incidence of complications including lacrimal tear, false passage and secondary adhesion.