晶状体蛋白是晶状体内重要的结构蛋白,多种蛋白质的翻译后修饰(post translational modification, PTM)可引起晶状体蛋白结构、溶解度的改变并最终导致白内障形成,而另一些翻译后修饰则可能与晶状体蛋白的保护作用相关。特别是α晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性的下降可导致其他晶状体蛋白的凝聚和酶的失活,与年龄相关性白内障(age-related cataract,ARC)的发生密切相关。年龄相关性白内障为多因素疾病,目前确切病因不明,手术仍是治疗年龄相关性白内障的主要手段,尚无有效可以延缓或预防该疾病的药物。本文就目前主要的晶状体蛋白与年龄相关性白内障的关系及研究进展进行综述。
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Crystallin is a major structural protein within the lens, some post-translational modifications(PTM)can change the structure or solubility of crystallin and result in the opacity of lens while others may related to the protection of lens protein. Especially the decline of the chaperon activity of α crystallin results in the aggregation of some crystallins and the inactivation of enzymes, which is closely associated with the pathogenesis of age-related cataract(ARC). The exact etiology of ARC is still unknown. Although much effort has been directed towards slowing progression or preventing the occurrence of cataract, the main management of cataract remains surgical. The current research progress of crystallin and its contribution to age-related cataract was reviewed in this article.
国家自然科学基金(No. 81070715); 福建省创新平台基金(No.2010Y2003)