睑板腺功能障碍(meibomian gland dysfuction,MGD)是一种慢性、弥漫性睑板腺异常,它通常以睑板腺终末导管的阻塞和(或)睑板腺分泌物质或量改变为特征,睑板腺阻塞是MGD最常见的原因,而MGD是蒸发过强性干眼最主要的病因,近年来随着MGD所致及干眼症的发病率提高,也受到越来越多的国内外学者的关注,虽然国际上对MGD的治疗等尚无统一标准,但现比较认可的治疗方法主要是去除病因、局部和全身治疗,包括物理治疗、药物治疗、人工泪液替代疗法、营养支持治疗、激素治疗、中医治疗等,本文主要就近年来国内外关于MGD所致干眼症的治疗做一综述。
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Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)is a chronic disffuse abnormality of the meibomian glands, commonly characterized by terminnal duct obstruction and/or qualitative/quatitative changes in the glandular secretion. The evaporative dry eye disease is mainly caused by MGD. In recent years, the morbidity of the evaporative dry eye disease which caused by MGD is raising, researchers both at home and abroad pay more attention on that. There is no uniform standard on MGD' treatment internationally. It is mainly centered on removing the cause and applicating the local and systemic therapy, including physicotherapeutics, drug therapy, artificial tears replacement therapy, nutrition support therapy, hormonotherapy, Chinese medicine treatment etc. The literature review is mainly talking about the treatment of dry eye which caused by MGD on both at home and abroad.