方法:对48例68眼后发性白内障患者以TSV 25G玻璃体手术系统经扁平部行后囊膜切开联合前段玻璃体切除手术。术后平均随访24mo,观察视力、眼压、前房反应和并发症的发生情况。
结果:所有术眼晶状体后囊膜中央均形成直径约4mm的圆形透明区,术中前房稳定,人工晶状体无损伤。术后第1d,裸眼视力(uncorrected visual acuity,UCVA)为0.70±0.12(0.5~1.0),最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)为0.73±0.10(0.6~1.0)。术后3mo,UCVA为0.72±0.12(0.5~1.0),BCVA为0.74±0.10(0.6~1.0)。术后3mo UCVA与术前UCVA比较,差异有统计学意义(t=-45.902,P=0.000)。随访期间无切口渗漏、角膜水肿、眼内炎、瞳孔区玻璃体疝、人工晶状体损伤、视网膜脱离、高眼压及晶状体后囊膜切开区再次混浊等并发症。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and complications of 25G posterior capsulotomy with anterior vitrectomy for posterior capsule opacification(PCO).
METHODS: The 25G transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy technique was performed in 48 cases(68 eyes)of PCO eyes. The mean follow-up was 24mo. Best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA), intraocular pressure, anterior chamber reaction and complications during and after the operation were observed.
RESULTS: 4mm diameter round holes were obtained at the center of the posterior capsule in all eyes. At 1d postoperative, uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA)was 0.70±0.12(0.5-1.0), and BCVA was 0.73±0.10(0.6-1.0). At 3mo postoperative, UCVA was 0.72±0.12(0.5-1.0), and BCVA was 0.74±0.10(0.6-1.0). It was statistical significance between preoperative and postoperative UCVA(t=-45.902, P=0.000). There were no complications during the postoperative follow-up period, such as dislocation or damage of the IOL, corneal edema, endoophthalmitis, pupil vitreous hernia, vitreous prolapse, retina detachment, intraocular hypertension and reocclusion of the visual axis, etc.
CONCLUSION: The 25G transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy technique to remove PCO is a safe and effective procedure with less complications, which can be an alternative treatment for PCO.