方法:对临床确诊为囊袋阻滞综合征伴后发性白内障的13例18眼患者行YAG激光后囊切开术,观察术后1,4,24h; 1,2wk的非矫正远视力、眼压、房水、玻璃体及主观症状的变化。
结果:YAG激光后囊切开术治疗囊袋阻滞综合征伴后发性白内障,可以提高患者非矫正远视力; 部分患者可出现前房内游走颗粒,但不引起炎症反应; 术后1,4,24h部分患者会引起一过性眼压升高,甚至需降眼压治疗,但术前术后眼压变化无统计学意义; 所有患者术后均出现玻璃体混浊加重,眼前漂浮影增多,但均在2wk内恢复。
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AIM: To observe the efficacy of posterior neodymium:YAG(Nd:YAG)laser capsulotomy in patients with late capsular block syndrome(CBS)with posterior capsule opacification(PCO).
METHODS: The CBS 13 cases(18 eyes), which were identified as CBS with posterior capsule opacification, were treated with Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. After changes of uncorrected distance visual acuity(UCDVA), intraocular pressure(IOP), aqueous humor, vitreous body and complications were observed after 1, 4, 24h; 1, 2wk postoperation.
RESULTS: Nd:YAG laser treatment of late CBS could improve patients' UCDVA. Some patients appeared anterior chamber particles, but did not cause inflammation. Some patients appeared a transient elevation of IOP after 1, 4, 24h, even needed treatment. But these changes were not statistically significant. All patients occurred the increase of vitreous opacities and floating shadow, but all recovered in 2wk.
CONCLUSION: Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy in patients with PCO associated with late CBS can increase visual acuity, but ophthalmologist should closely observe IOP and anterior chamber inflammation of patients, in order to provide prompt treatment.