目的:对不同近视屈光状态下人眼角膜总屈光力、后表面屈光力、眼轴、角膜非球面参数Q值、中央角膜厚度(central cornea thickness, CCT)及眼压进行测量,并探讨近视度数与上述相关参数的关系。
方法:近视患者138例138眼(所有患者选择右眼进行分析),根据综合验光仪测量的近视度数,患者分为三组:低度近视组(-1.00D~-3.00D),中度近视组(-3.25D~-6.00D),高度近视组(>-6.00D)。各眼使用Pentacam眼前节分析仪(德国,Oculus公司)进行检测,获得角膜总屈光力和后表面屈光力以及Q值,使用非接触式眼压测量仪(日本Canon公司)测量眼压,使用A超测量仪(美国Tomey公司AL-3 000)测量中央角膜厚度(CCT)和眼轴长度。数据采用Pearson相关性分析、单因素方差分析进行处理。
结果:近视度数与眼轴呈负相关(r=-0.682, P<0.001),与角膜屈光力无相关性(r=0.009, P=0.925),眼轴与角膜屈光力呈负相关(r=-0.554, P<0.001)。近视度数与Q值呈正相关(r=0.674, P<0.001),Q值与眼压成呈负相关(r=-0.375, P=0.01)。近视度数与CCT及眼压无相关性(r=-0.138, P=0.141; r=-0.121, P=0.157)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the correlation between myopic refractive error and relative factors, including the corneal refractive power, posterior refractive power, axial length, corneal asphericity coefficient Q value, central cornea thickness(CCT)and intraocular pressure(IOP).
METHODS:According to the degree of myopia measured by subjective refraction, 138 myopia patients were divided into three subgroups: mild group(-1.00D--3.00D), moderate group(-3.25D--6.00D), high group(>6.00D). The Pentacam anterior segment tomographer(Germany, Oculus Company)was used to measure the corneal refractive power, posterior refractive power, and corneal asphericity in the right eye. IOP, CCT and axial length were measured by a non-contact tonometer and A-scan ultrasonic, respectively. The data was analyzed with a Pearson correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA.
RESULTS: The myopic refractive error was negatively correlated with the axial length(r=-0.682, P<0.001), but was not correlated with the corneal refractive power(r=0.009, P=0.925). The axial length was negatively correlated with corneal refractive power(r=-0.554, P<0.001). The myopic refractive error was postively correlated with the Q value(r=0.674, P<0.001), which was negatively correlated with the IOP(r=-0.375, P=0.01). There was no significantly correlation between the myopic refractive error and CCT, IOP(r=-0.138, P=0.141; r=-0.121, P=0.157).
CONCLUSION:The corneal refractive power plays the role of emmetropization during the development of myopia. There is clinic significance for the correlation between Q value and refractive error, IOP to guide the corneal refractive surgery.