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AIM:To investigate the curative effects on a modified simple removal surgery of magnetic foreign body in the anterior part of vitreous cavity combined with traumatic cataract.
METHODS: Data were collected on 13 patients with ocular penetrating and perforating injuries combined with traumatic cataracts and magnetic foreign bodies in the anterior part of the vitreous cavity who underwent a simple modified removal surgery. Under direct vision of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, the intraocular earth magnet was applied to remove the magnetic foreign bodies after clearance of the turbid lens and prolapsed vitreous. Postsurgical intraocular reaction and recovery of the visual function were observed and evaluated.
RESULTS: Under the direct vision, by using this surgery method, all the magnetic foreign bodies were successfully removed smooth and fast. No complication such as secondary bleeding or infection occurred. Corrected visual acuity has been improved obviously in all these patients who underwent operation. The postoperative follow up of 6mo showed that the BCVA of 10 cases was >0.3. BCVA of the other 3 cases was 0.1-0.3.
CONCLUSION: Under direct vision of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, the magnetic foreign bodies in the anterior part of vitreous cavity can be removed accurately by using intraocular earth magnet. This modified method is simple and safe. And it is a reliable surgical option for these patients.