结果:眼球穿孔伤经B超检查球内出现强回声的患者176例176眼中,玻璃体积血146例,晶状体脱位4例,球内异物(包含球壁异物)105例,玻璃体腔内气泡1例,视网膜脱离34例,脉络膜脱离23例,后巩膜破裂9例。每例患者都同时合并以上两种或两种以上体征,每例患者的B超均表现有强回声信号。对以上病例出现的各种强回声信号总结如下:(1)浓稠的玻璃体积血 ;(2)球内异物;(3)脱位的晶状体 ;(4)玻璃体腔内气泡 。
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AIM: To analysis the diagnostic value of B-scan on various kinds of strong echo signal of ocular-perforating injury.
METHODS: Totally 176 patients(176 eyes)with ocular-perforating injury underwent B-scan ultrasound examination. We observed the B-scan imaging findings of the lens, vitreous cavity, eyeball wall and retrobulbar space.
RESULTS: All 176 patients(176 eyes)underwent B-scan ultrasound examination had strong echo. Vitreous hemorrhage was found in 146 cases, dislocation of lens in 4 cases, intraocular foreign body in 105 cases, intravitreous bubble in 1 case, retinal detachment in 34 cases, choroidal detachment in 23 cases, posterior scleral rupture in 9 cases. Every patient had two or more signs above, and had strong echo signal. All kinds of strong echo signal of the cases were summarized as follows: thick vitreous hemorrhage; intraocular foreign body; dislocation of the lens; intravitreous bubble.
CONCLUSION: Because of anterior chamber hemorrhage, cataract, vitreous hemorrhage, eyelid swelling and noncooperation of patients, we couldn't examine the posterior segment. So B-scan provides a great help to the ophthalmologist. It is very sensitive and has specific images on the detachment of retina, intraocular foreign body, posterior scleral laceration, hemorrhagic choroidal detachment. Complex perforating injury of eyeball often appears some confusing strong echo signals, but B-scan can identify those images. Thus, it is irreplaceable by other examinations.