结果:受试者44例88眼,平均年龄9.04±2.39岁,等效球镜(SE)-3.50~+8.75D; 远视组眼轴比近视正视组短(P<0.05),远视组晶状体屈光力明显低于近视正视组(P<0.05),三组间角膜屈光力和前房深度无明显差别。本研究发现年龄与等效球镜(SE)之间成负相关; 眼轴与年龄成正相关; 年龄与晶状体屈光力成正相关; SE与眼轴成负相关; SE与晶状体屈光力有负相关关系。
结论:儿童随年龄增长,SE向近视发展,眼轴变长,晶状体屈光力增强; SE越偏远视,眼轴越短、晶状体屈光力越弱。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the relationship between axial length(AL), corneal and lens refractive power, and the refractive error in children.
METHODS:Totally 44 children 88 eyes with refractive error who underwent retinoscopy with cycloplegia, to be measured spherical equivalent refractive error. Axial length was measured by a noncontact optical biometry(ZEISS IOL-Master), and corneal K and anterior chamber depth(ACD)were also measured by the same machine. The refractive power of the lens was calculated by using the SRK formula. The patients were divided into 3 groups, myopia(SE<0), hyperopia(SE>+0.50D)and emmetropia(0 to +0.50D). Linear Correlation and Regression were used to evaluate the correlation among the optical parameters.
RESULTS:Totally 44 subjects, 88 eyes, average 9.04±2.39 years, spherical equivalent(SE)-3.50D to +8.75D. Hyperopic AL was shorter than the other two groups(P<0.05), same trend in lens power. No significant differences among the 3 groups in corneal K and ACD. There was a negative correlation between age and SE, SE and AL, SE and lens refractive power, and there was a positive correlation between age and AL, age and lens power.
CONCLUSION:As the children's growing up, SE trends to myopia, and AL becomes longer, and lens power is stronger.