目的:利用血氧水平依赖性功能磁共振成像(blood oxygen level dependence-functional magnetic resonance imaging,BOLD-fMRI)及SPM8软件研究分析经过系统治疗后屈光参差性弱视儿童色觉中枢激活区域的恢复情况。
结果:弱视初诊患儿接受三原色刺激后,BA17,BA18,BA19,BA37均有不同范围的激活(P<0.01)。经过4wk治疗后,弱视患儿接受红色刺激后,视觉皮层激活范围无扩大; 接受绿色刺激后,视觉皮层左侧BA37、左侧BA19、左侧BA20激活范围均有不同程度扩大,平均t值分别为3.5210,3.2716,3.1534(P<0.01); 接受蓝色刺激后,视觉皮层右侧BA19、右侧BA18激活范围有不同程度扩大,平均t值分别为3.7345,3.2701(P<0.01)。
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AIM: To analyze the recovery of visual cortex activation range of color vision in anisometropia amblyopia children after treatment by using blood oxygen level dependence-functional magnetic resonance imaging(BOLD-fMRI)and SPM8 software.
METHODS: Self-control study. This fMRI study directly compared activity in visual cortex produced by color monocular stimulation in 13 monocular anisometropia amblyopia children. The project of study was blocked design. The data of functions and anatomical MRI was stimulated by three-primary colors and was preprocessed and analyzed by SPM8 that based on MATLAB software. According to the data, we compared the change of the central area of color vision when first visit and 1, 2,4wk after treatment.
RESULTS: The BA17, BA18, BA19 and BA37 of amblyopia children were different activated after they accepted the three-primary colors stimulation(P<0.01). After 4wk treatment, amblyopia children accepted red stimulation, the visual cortex activation range without expanding; after accepting green stimulus, on the left side of the visual cortex BA37, BA19, BA20, the average t value were 3.5210, 3.2716, 3.1534(P<0.01); after accepting blue stimulation, the scope of the right side of visual cortex at BA19, BA18 were expanded to different extent, the average t value were 3.7345, 3.2701(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: After 4wk treatment, visual cortex activation of color vision of anisometropia amblyopic children is expanded, but with low extent, after the short-term treatment of amblyopia, visual cortex activation of color vision has a certain degree of recovery but not obvious.