方法:本研究是横断面研究,在汕头地区随机整群抽样调查4所城乡中学,共2 418人。对其实施眼科医学体检并用自动验光仪(佳能 RK-F1自动验光仪)进行验光。
结果:总体检人数2 394人,汕头地区初中生近视率为48.07%,高中生则有68.28%。其中,农村普通初中学生近视率低于城市普通初中学生近视率(χ2=13.879,P<0.01),农村重点高中学生近视率低于城市重点高中学生近视率(χ2=175.231,P<0.01)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the status of myopia in students from different kinds of schools in Shantou city, China.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 2 418 students from 4 middle and high schools in Shantou were surveyed through randomized cluster sampling. Ophthalmic examination and auto-refraction were performed for all subjects.
RESULTS: Among all 2 394 students examined. The myopia rates for students from middle and high school were 48.07% and 68.28%. In normal middle school, students from rural area had lower rate of myopia than students from the urban area(χ2=13.879, P<0.01). Students from key rural high schools had lower rate of myopia than students from key urban high school(χ2=175.231, P<0.01).
CONCLUSION:The prevalence of myopia in the middle school of urban area in Shantou was higher than rural area. The increasing rate of myopia in youngsters is correlated with study stress. In order to decrease the myopia rate, it is extremely important to improve study environment in students.