目的:研究角膜穿孔(corneal perforation,CP)患者的临床发病特点。
结果:福建地区角膜溃疡穿孔发病率逐年上升,男女发病率比为 17:7 , 48岁为发病集中年龄,产业工人 23例(32%),23例有明确外伤史,菌属鉴定结果:前两位为:真菌感染和棘阿米巴原虫感染。 其中10例有糖皮质激素用药史。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the clinical characteristics of corneal perforation(CP).
METHODS: A retrospective analysis in July 1995 to July 2010 the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University diagnosed CP 72 patients(72 eyes), clinical characteristics of all the patients were analyzed.
RESULTS: The incidence of corneal ulcer perforation rised year by year, the morbidity of male and female was 17:7, the onset age focused on 48 years old. Of 23 industrial workers(32%)with clear history of trauma, pathogeny identification results: top two: fungal infection and Acanthamoeba keratitis. A using history of glucocorticoid was found in 10 cases.
CONCLUSION: There are plenty of primary causes of CP such as traumas, fungal infection, Acanthamoeba keratitis, eroded keratitis, etc. CP happens in middle-aged males in Fujian province, most traumas are the causes, the main pathogenic bacteria is fungal infection.