方法:采用Suresight手持式自动验光仪对我院下属社区健康服务中心2013-06/12的836例1 672眼儿童保健婴幼儿进行屈光筛查。
结果:婴幼儿836例1 672眼中屈光异常202眼,可疑38眼,共转诊240眼,转诊率14.35%; 经眼科确诊屈光异常172眼,转诊者屈光异常阳性率71.67%,其中,予以配镜矫正46眼,占筛查人数2.75%,重点监测126眼,占筛查人数7.54%。
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AIM: To observe the application of Suresight handheld auto-refractometer in measuring diopter of infants in Community Health Service Center.
METHODS:Totally 836 cases(1 672 eyes)from June 2013 to December 2013 were examined diopter of infants by Suresight handheld auto-refractometer in Community Health Service Center.
RESULTS: Within 1 672 eyes of 836 infants were examined, 202 eyes were diagnosed ametropia, 38 eyes were suspicious, 240 eyes were transferred to the department of ophthalmology, the referral rate was 14.35%; 172 eyes were diagnosed ametropia, and the diagnosis rate of the referral patients was 71.67%. Among 172 eyes, 46 eyes were provided with corrected glasses, accounting for 2.75% of the number of screening, and 126 eyes were given intensive monitoring, accounting for 7.54% of the number of screening.
CONCLUSION: Application of Suresight handheld auto-refractometer in refraction screening for infants in Community Health Service Center is convenient and effective. With two-way referral between community health service center and department of ophthalmology can monitor and intervene vision development of infants much earlier.