目的:评价白内障手术中植入AcrySof IQ Toric散光型人工晶状体矫正角膜散光的效果及人工晶状体在囊袋内的稳定性。
方法:对21例26眼伴有角膜规则散光的白内障患者,植入AcrySof IQ Toric散光型人工晶状体,观察术前及术后裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力; 术前角膜散光、预计散光、总散光,术后角膜散光及残余散光; 以及术后人工晶状体旋转度。
结果:术后所有患者裸眼视力及最佳矫正视力均明显提高; 术后残留散光0.55±0.33D,与术前总散光2.05±0.57D相比明显下降(t=13.574,P<0.05); 与术前预留散光0.47±0.19D比较无统计学意义(t=1.149,P>0.05)。术后3mo角膜散光-1.89±0.53D,与术前角膜散光2.01±0.58D相比无差异(t=1.908,P>0.05); 所有26眼的人工晶状体旋转度均<20°,平均旋转为(3.65±2.86)度。
结论:白内障超声乳化吸除联合AcrySof IQ Toric IOL植入矫正散光手术,能够有效的减少患者的散光,术后IOL旋转稳定性良好,是治疗白内障合并散光患者的有效的手术方法。
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AIM: To observe the clinical outcome of implanting AcrySof IQ Toric intraocular lens to correct corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery, and to evaluate the result and rotational stability of AcrySof IQ Toric after cataract surgery.
METHODS: A retrospective study of 26 eyes in 21 cataract patients with corneal astigmatism. All patients implanted AcrySof IQ Toric intraocular lens. The preoperative and postoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA), best corrected visual acuity(BCVA), preoperative corneal astigmatism, anticipated residual astigmatism, total astigmatism, postoperative residual astigmatism and Toric lens axis were detected and measured.
RESULTS: All patients' visual acuity and best corrected visual acuity improved significantly. The mean refractive cylinder decreased significantly after surgery from(2.05±0.57)D to(0.55±0.33)D(t=13.574, P<0.05). There was no significant difference between preoperative(0.47±0.19)D and postoperative corneal astigmatism(t=1.149, P>0.05). Three months after surgery, there was no significant difference between preoperative(2.01±0.58)D and postoperative(-1.89±0.53)D corneal astigmatism(t=1.908, P>0.05). The rotation of intraocular lens were <20°, the mean rotation was 3.65°±2.86°.
CONCLUSION: The AcrySof IQ Toric lens make cataract patients enjoy the better UCVA including good rotational stability in the correct of corneal astigmatism. The AcrySof IQ Toric implantation is an effective option for the correct of preexisting corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery.