方法:对31例31眼因钝挫伤导致晶状体脱位,合并继发性青光眼患者分别行晶状体摘除联合前部玻璃体切割术,小梁切除术及人工晶状体植入术。随访术后1wk; 1,3mo术眼眼压、视力。
[Key word]
AIM: To retrospectively evaluate the effect of lens extraction combined with vitrectomy to treat traumatic lens dislocation with secondary glaucoma.
METHODS:Thirty-one eyes(31 cases)of lens dislocation caused by blunt trauma with secondary glaucoma were treated respectively with cataract extraction combined with anterior vitrectomy, trabeculectomy and intraocular lens implantation. The visual acuity and pressure were observed 1wk, 1 and 3mo after operative.
RESULTS:Thirty-one eyes were all complete the operation successfully, and 6 eyes were given combined trabeculectomy, 9 eyes were implanted anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation(IOL)and 15 eyes were given posterior chamber suture fixation. Sixteen eyes were implanted in one-stage operation, while 8 eyes were implanted in two-stage operation. All intraocular pressure(IOP)were controlled to the normal level after operation and 23 eyes had visual acuity of more than 0.3.
CONCLUSION:Lens extraction combined with vitrectomy is an effective method for treatment of lens dislocation with secondary glaucoma. In order to control the IOP and get well visual function, we should choose IOL implantation or trabeculectomy according to the patient's condition.