结果:前段异物直接切开取出或磁吸取出; 后段定位准确的磁性浅表异物行眼内异物磁吸术,非磁性及视网膜异物行玻璃体切除术,手术成功并完整取出异物。保留眼球形态46例(100%),达到功能治愈者33例(72%),解剖治愈12例(26%),未愈1例(2%)。
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AIM: To retrospectively analyze the effect of different surgical treatment on intraocular foreign bodies, according to different types and position.
METHODS: Clinical data of 46 cases diagnosed with intraocular foreign bodies from June 2010 to April 2013 were retrospectively analyzed.
RESULTS:Intraocular foreign bodies in anterior segment could be removed or magnetically attracted directly, intraocular foreign bodies in posterior segment could be attracted if there was accurate location. Vitrectomis was more favorable for the non magnetic or intraocular foreign bodies in posterior segment. In 46 cases, all intraocular foreign bodies(100%)in posterior segment were removed successfully. Among them the functional cure in 33 cases(72%), the anatomical cure in 12 cases(26%), discharged in 1 case(2%).
CONCLUSION: The aim of operation is to reconstruct of eyeball structure preserve and restore visual function. We should find more appropriate mode of operation and timing of surgery according to the foreign bodies' different types and injury of eyeball,reduce complications,preservation eyeball and improve visual function.