方法:随机选取2013-05/2014-05期间来院体检的1 031名空勤人员,检出屈光不正的49例,并对各种屈光类型的构成与年龄、机种、职务、飞行时间等进行比较,结合空勤人员主观评定进行分析。
结果:检出屈光不正的49例中近视43例(88%),远视(包括远视散光)6例(12%),年龄大于50岁及飞行时间大于3 000h空勤人员检出率高,歼击机空勤人员、职务为飞行员者及用眼习惯优者屈光不正检出率低。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the refractive distribution and analysis risk factors for aircrew ametropia.
METHODS: The number of 49 cases with ametropia from 1031 aircrew during May 2013 to May 2014 were reviewed. Various types of refraction composition, age, type, position, time of flight with the subjective assessment of aircrew were analyzed and compared.
RESULTS: Of 49 cases, 43 cases(88%)were myopia, 6 cases(12%)were hypermetropia.,Detection rates were higher in age over 50 years aircrew and flight time more than 3000h. Detection rates were lower in self-conscious symptom heavy aircrew, fighter aircrew and good habit of using eyes.
CONCLUSION: The myopia incidence in aircrew with age >50 years and long flight time is higher, than that of fighter pilots and good habit of using eyes. We should pay attention to the increasing late-onset myopia of aviators and habit of using eyes, work intensity and time of using eyes about aircrew.