白内障摘除联合人工晶状体植入术作为白内障最主要的治疗手段,人工晶状体的生物相容性一直是研究的热点。从宏观层面,人工晶状体的生物相容性主要反应在人工晶状体植入术后的并发症,如:眼内炎、角膜内皮水肿、虹膜后粘连、葡萄膜炎、后发性白内障等; 人工晶状体的生物相容性微观主要表现在房水中的一些细胞反应,如:巨噬细胞、单核细胞、成纤维细胞及人晶状体上皮细胞等在人工晶状体表面的黏附、增殖,且术后并发症是由于房水中细胞因子连续作用于房水内细胞产生的,另一角度讲,房水中细胞因子是桥梁,它一定程度能反应人工晶状体的情况,能更全面的评价人工晶状体的生物相容性,有利于探究白内障术后并发症的发生的机制,提高人工晶状体的生物相容性。
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Intraocular lens(IOL)implantation is the major method to replace the cataract lens. How to improve the biocompatibility of IOL has been the focus of current research. Major reactions after the IOL implantation include endophthalmitis, corneal endothelial edema, iritis, uveitis, and posterior capsule opacification, etc. At cellular level, macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts and lens epithelial cells can be detected on the surface of IOL. Their adhesion, proliferation migration, and transformation may be induced by the operation related cytokines released into the aqueous humor. Detailed analysis of cytokines profile after IOL implantation may be beneficial to explore the mechanism of posterior capsule opacification.