方法:对2013-09/2014-06于我院体检中心进行健康体检的在职航天科技人员经过初筛,针对有干眼常见症状者进行问卷调查评分及客观临床检查。临床检查包括基础泪液分泌量检测(Schirmer Ⅰ)、泪膜破裂时间(BUT)测定、角结膜荧光素染色(FL),以确诊干眼。
结果:在随机发放的1 000份调查问卷中有干眼主诉症状者606例(60.6%),经检查后确诊干眼的为432例(43.2%); 干眼在航天科技人员主诉人群中的阳性率为71.3%; 航天科技人员干眼病患病人数较多,病因除性别、年龄外,还与空调、暖气、视频终端、睡眠时间等多种影响因素密切相关。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate and evaluate the prevalence of xerophthalmia among aerospace science and technology staff and its influencing factors for the eye health guidance.
METHODS: The staff underwent physical examination in our examination center from September 2013 to June 2014 were preliminary screened, and those patients with symptoms of dry eye were investigated with questionnaires and diagnosed by basic lacrimal secretion test(Schirmer I), breakup time of tear film(BUT)test and fluorescein(FL)staining test.
RESULTS:There were 606 complaints of dry eye symptoms of the 1 000 premiers, distributed in random(60.6%), and 432 employees were diagnosed(43.2%). The positive rate of dry eye was 71.3%. The causes of xerophthalmia, besides of gender, age, also include a variety of factors such as air-conditioner, heating, video terminals, sleep time, etc.
CONCLUSION: Dry eye, an epidemic disease, has a variety of symptoms and complex etiology, the main causes of aerospace science and technology staff with dry eye is working environment and some local factors. We can give appropriate health guidance according to the different factors. Meanwhile the relevant series of dry eye screening should also be taken as a routine examination in ophthalmic examination.