方法:于2013-01/2013-08,搜索由苹果应用商店提供的眼科相关的应用程序。符合条件的应用程序经过鉴别并下载于iPad平板电脑上,并根据应用程序的原始内容和我们的使用经验进行分类。同时我们还描述了iPad平板电脑中自带的即时视频通话(FaceTime®;)和自动存储技术(iCloud®;)的使用方法。我们同时也搜索了包括微软公司的Window Phone和谷歌公司的Android操作系统中的眼科相关性应用程序。
[Key word]
AIM:To identify and categorize ophthalmology-relevant apps for the iPad tablet computer as a source for ophthalmic practices on the Apple's App Store.
METHODS: The Apple's App Store was searched for ophthalmology-relevant apps from January 2013 to August 2013. Eligible apps were identified and downloaded into the iPad tablet computers, and then categorized according to the apps' initial contents and our using experiences. Methods about how to use the iPad's built-in functions of instant video call(FaceTime®)and automatic data storage technology(iCloud®)were also described together with the apps. Other operating systems of Microsoft's Window Phone and Google's Android were also searched for ophthalmology-relevant apps.
RESULTS: The keywords for searching on the Apple's App Store were “ophthalmology” and “eye”. And we could found 111 eligible apps with the former keyword, and 452 ones with the latter one. The integrated uses of the iPad tablet computer were then categorized into five aspects. Based on our clinical practice, we finally summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the iPad tablet computer for ophthalmic practices. However, ophthalmology-relevant apps were found to be very limited in number on the other two platforms.
CONCLUSION: The integrated use of self built-in apps and third-party apps can facilitate our clinical work in examination, telemedicine, reference, disease education and literature searching. More studies are needed to verify its validation and reliability in the professional fields, especially eye examinations.