方法:采用病例对照研究,选取2013-08/2014-03期间就诊于中国医科大学眼科医院的最佳矫正视力BCVA≥0.5的年龄相关性白内障患者77例77眼,行白内障超声乳化吸除联合后房型非球面人工晶状体植入,所有的人工晶状体均为疏水性丙烯酸酯材料,随机分为3组; 选用Tecnis ZCB00(屈光指数1.47)组22例22眼; 选用Hoya PY60AD(屈光指数1.52)组24例24眼; 选用Alcon SN60WF(屈光指数1.55)组31例31眼; 测量患者术后的BCVA、瞳孔直径、散光度数等数据,C-QUANT测量散射光值。
结果:各组的年龄、眼轴、BCVA、瞳孔大小、散光度数变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Tecnis组散射光值1.04±0.15; Hoya组散射光值1.19±0.14; IQ组散射光值1.14±0.18; 眼内散射光值各组差异有统计学意义(F=5.352,P=0.007<0.05),BCVA与散射光值相关性分析无统计学意义(r=-0.133,P=0.124>0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the influence of IOL refractive index(RI)on measurement of straylight following cataract surgery.
METHODS:In this case-control study, 77 eyes of 77 age-related cataract patients who underwent cataract phacoemulsification with posterior chamber aspherical arylic IOL implantation surgery in the Eye Hospital of China Medical University from Aug 2013 to Mar 2014, with a best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)of 0.5 or better, were classified into 3 groups randomly using 3 types of IOL: Tecnis ZCB00 Group(RI=1.47, 22 eyes of 22 subjects); Hoya PY60AD Group(RI=1.52, 24 eyes of 24 subjects); Alcon SN60WF or IQ Group(RI=1.55, 31 eyes of 31 subjects). BCVA, pupil size, astigmatism, axial length, intraocular straylight were measured respectively.
RESULTS:Age, axial length, BCVA, pupil size, astigmatism of the three groups were not significant difference(P>0.05). The straylight of Tecnis, Hoya, IQ group were 1.04±0.15, 1.19±0.14, 1.14±0.18. Straylight levels had significant differences among three groups(F=5.352, P=0.007<0.05). There was no significant correlation between BCVA and straylight value(r=-0.133, P=0.124>0.05).
CONCLUSION:Patients chosen the higher RI IOL may have a higher straylight level after the surgery.