方法:选取2010-09/2013-08在我院眼科住院患者5 473例,其中盲目患者共计1 854例,占住院患者的33.88%,按照国际WHO制定的最佳矫正视力<0.05或视野半径小于10度者为盲,并排除小于3岁不能配合视力检查的患儿为纳入标准,对盲目患者的年龄和致盲病因进行分析,统计各年龄段的主要致盲眼病,记录各盲目患者经过治疗后的视力; 并计算出各致盲眼病的脱盲率,对各致盲眼病经过治疗后未脱盲的病因进行分析。
结果:盲目患者中,右眼盲728例,左眼盲767例,双眼盲359例,共计盲眼2 213眼,盲目患者年龄以60~80岁居多,致盲眼病的前3位依次为:白内障、糖尿病性视网膜病变和青光眼。在2 213眼盲眼中,进行治疗者有2 172眼,其中1 762眼(81.12%)脱盲,410眼(18.88%)未脱盲,在所有未脱盲眼病中,前3位依次为:糖尿病视网膜病、青光眼和视网膜脱离。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the blindness causes of 1854 cases in our hospital hospitalized patients, and explore the strategy and direction of blindness prevention according to the different treatment efficacy.
METHODS: Cluster sampling was used to select from September 2010 to August 2013 in our hospital department of ophthalmology patients 5 473 cases, in which total of 1 854 cases of blind patients, accounting for 33.88% of hospitalized patients. According to the WHO's criteria of blindness. The BCVA enacted <0.05 or vision radius less than 10 degrees are for the blind, and the exclusion of less than 3 years old children don't cope with visual inspection of the inclusion criteria for age and cause of blindness blind patients were analyzed. To the blind to patient age and etiology were analyzed, the main cause of blindness and statistics of all ages, records of the blind patients after treatment eye sight; and calculating the blindness of the literacy rate, on the blindness through analysis of the causes of the risk treatment.
RESULTS: In 1 854 cases of blind patients, including 728 people right-eye blinding, 767 people left-eyes blinding, 359 people total blinding, adding up to 2 213 eyes, aged from 60~80 years old were in the majority. The top three diseases resulting blindness were cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. In 2 213 blind eyes, the eyes treated were 2 172, of which 1 762 eyes(81.12%)were succeeded, 410 eyes(18.88%)failed. In the failed cases, the first three diseases were diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and retinal detachment.
CONCLUSION: In recent years, disease etiology of blinding eye has changed, but cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are still high incidence of blindness due, so the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and retinal detachment should be the emphasis for blindness prevention and treatment in the future.