方法:2014-01/07在我院眼科门诊就诊的儿童50例65眼,年龄4~15(平均9.91±3.41)岁,所有受检眼排除眼底疾病和眼前节病变。根据扩瞳验光的结果,分成高度近视性弱视组(24眼)、高度近视组(19眼)、正视眼组(22眼),运用海德堡EDI-OCT技术对中心凹下脉络膜厚度及距中心凹0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0mm处上方(S, 12:00方位)、颞侧(T, 9:00方位)、下方(I, 6:00方位)、鼻侧(N, 3:00方位)的脉络膜厚度进行测量,并通过A超测量出所有受检者眼轴长度。
结果:高度近视性弱视组中心凹下及各方位脉络膜厚度与高度近视组、正视眼组相比最薄,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。高度近视弱视组中心凹下脉络膜厚度与眼轴长度有显著负相关性(r=-0.531, R2=0.282, F=7.476, P=0.013); 与年龄无明显相关性(r=-0.292, R2=0.085, F=2.044, P=0.167)。
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AIM: To compare posterior choroidal thickness in high myopia amblyopia eyes at different points to high myopia and normal eyes of Chinese children and investigate the relationships between choroidal thickness, axial length and age.
METHODS: Fifty Chinese children(65 eyes)with age 4~15 years(mean 9.91±3.41 years)were recruited. By atropine optometry they were divided into high myopia amblyopia group(24 eyes), high myopia group(19 eyes), and normal group(22 eyes). Choroidal scans were obtained for all eyes using enhanced depth imaging spectral-domain optical coherence tomography(EDI-OCT). Subfoveal choroidal thickness(SFCT), macular thinkness, choroidal thickness and retinal thickness at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0mm superior(S, 12:00 position), temporal(T, 9:00 position), inferior(I, 6:00 position), nasal(N, 3:00 position)were measured. Meanwhile, axial lengths of all eyes were measured by A-Scan.
RESULTS: Compared high myopia group and emmetropia group, SFCT and the thickness of choroids on each position were thinnest in high myopic amblyopia group, with statistically significant differences(P<0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between SFCT and axial length in high myopic amblyopia group(r=-0.531, R2=0.282, F=7.476, P=0.013), with no relative in age(r=-0.292, R2=0.085, F=2.044, P=0.167).
CONCLUSION: The choroidal thickness thinning in high myopic amblyopia shows a negative correlation with axial length.